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Root/Herb of the Day: Ginger Root


Latin Name: Zingiber Officinale 

Other Names: Shunti

Plant Family: Zingiberaceae

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Ginger is very thick, fibrous, zesty, and has buff- colored tuberous roots. It’s a perennial from the tropics that dates all the way back to 2,000 B.C.E. Ginger grows in rich, well-drained loam in a light shade. You can propagate it by the root cuttings. It’s a wonderful flavoring agent for candies, beers, and definitely should be a staple in your spice rack. 

Ginger can grow up to 3-4 feet high. It’s actually categorized as a rhizome, which is an underground stem. The plant of ginger is what’s considered the “herb”.

Did You Know?

When ginger is pickled in sweet vinegar it turns the color pink which is often seen in sushi.

Name Origin

Ginger is part of the Zingiberaceae family along with numeric, cardamon, and galangal. It is one of the first spices exposed from Asia and is listed in the top 12 spices consumed in the United States. According to Mountain Rose Herbs, “One of the many Sanskrit names for ginger is Shunthi or sunthi thought to be derived from the ancient city that bears the same name mentioned in the epic Indian text, the “Ramayana.” Another Sanskrit name for ginger is srngaveram, which breaks down to the word for horn body.

Properties and Uses

The root is whats usually used as a spice. It can be used fresh, powdered, dried, it can be extracted as an oil, even juiced. Ginger contains a bioactive compound called Gingerol which is the natural oil produced from this rhizome. The gingerol is responsible for medical properties including having powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It’s also great for blood sugar regulation,lowering cholesterol levels, reduce menstrual pain,nausea, and gastrointestinal relief. You can add ginger to stews, sauces, gingerbread cakes, mulled wine, and even biscuits. I mean the list could go on. Ginger is used in a plethora of Herban Karma’s tea blends for it’s many health benefits, whether it be for a sore throat, to relax, or for cramps.  It can cleanse the body’s system, ease a cold, and bring warmth on cold days. If you’ve never used or worked with ginger before, I hope this good read motivates you to go out and get some! I can promise you that no Pantry is complete without it.

Ginger is also good for work dealing with love, money, success, and power. Chewing ginger while performing spells enhances your power as the root is “heating you up”. For money, sprinkle a some ginger powder in your wallet, pockets or directly on your money.


Please consult with your healthcare practitioner if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medication. However, It is not known whether ginger will harm an unborn baby. Do not take ginger before consulting with your healthcare practitioner if you are taking medication for blood clots, any diabetes medicine, or medicines relating to high blood pressure.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.

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