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Project Description

Graphic Design Capstone

KISMET consists of a dream kit and social app. This kit was created to enhance your lucid dreams, prevent nightmares, and help you with other problems relating to different types of dreams. The name originated from Turkey meaning fate or destiny. With certain dreams like recurring, epic, and lucid, some tend to have difficulties understanding and following up with these dreams to reach their “fate/destiny” in life. The kit contains an eye mask, dreamcatcher, oil and oil burner for dream enhancement or prevention, a set of KISMET crystals and a crystal set that relates to the specific kit. The KISMET app was created to connect with other KISMET kit users, have 1 on 1 discussions with interpreters and psychologists, share and post your dream journal entries and analyze your entry submissions to determine your ultimate destiny.

Project Details


  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • Indesign
  • Sketchbook Pro
  • After Effects