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The African Guide Box Collection

  • The Collection Kit
  • 3 Collectables
  • People and Attractions Spread
  • Culture Page
  • 3 Collectables Expanded Stacked

Project Description

Brochure/ Series

“The African Guide Box Collection” Is an educational brochure series centered around the lifestyles of Every country in Africa. Each panel has a different category with brief information on the geography, popular animals, culture, people and top five main attractions of that specific country. The brochure opens two ways and unfolds into a box to stack and add to your collection. Each brochure is also color based and comes with a sticker of the shape of that country to place on a given outlined map to help keep up with which country you have. Once you fill your map, you ear a weekend trip to the African country of your choice.

Project Details


  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • Indesign
  • Sketchbook Pro